Pandemic Relief Grant Submission
Here are the specifics for AREF’s Pandemic Relief Grant of $1000:
-Must have a child with special needs under age 21
-Upload a short video (less than 3 minutes) explaining the hardships your family has experienced during the pandemic closure
-Video must show the special needs child, and mention his/her age and special need
-English not necessary, speak in the language that is most comfortable for you
-Mention how the grant money will be helpful for your family
-Previous AREF grantee families may be eligible, will be evaluated on a case by case basis
-No organizations eligible, families only
-Only families in Southern California eligible
-If awarded, the family must be willing to meet and accept grant check in person, grant check will not be mailed
-Once video is submitted, AREF will evaluate and contact family if there are any questions
-AREF’s decision to award a grant will be at its sole discretion on an individual basis
-Video submissions do not guarantee grant awards
–Deadline for video grant submission is Wed, July 22.
By submitting your video and applying for our grant program, you hereby give, without expectation of compensation, consent to Aidan’s Red Envelope Foundation to use, publish or share on any electronic or other media platforms the uploaded video, your image, likeness, statements, and names in perpetuity and without your prior approval.
The deadline has passed. Thank you.